Configuration options

The following configuration variables may be set in your project’s file.

Common settings


Define whether or not anonymous users are allowed to post. Default is “False”.


Set which expiration duration is selected by default. The value is a pytimeparse duration which is set in NPB_EXPIRATION_LENGTH. Default is the first NPB_EXPIRATION_LENGTH value.



Default exposure for new pastes. Must be either “public”, “unlisted” or “private”. Default is “public”.


Set the tolerance time during which a paste can be edited without being labeled as so. Set to a negative value, it always shows the edit time. Set to a positive value, it represents the number of seconds after the creation time during which edits are not shown. Zero causes an undefined behavior. Default is 1.


Set the allowed expiration duration. It is a list of tuples where the first element if a pytimeparse duration (16 characters maximum) and the second one is the name to be displayed.

    ('15m', _('15 minutes')),
    ('1h', _('1 hour')),
    ('1d', _('1 day')),
    ('1w', _('1 week')),
    ('30d', _('30 days')),
    ('365d', _('365 days')),
    ('never', _('never')),


If “NPB_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS” is “False”, define whether or not anonymous users should be redirected to the login page (“True”) or get a permission denied error (“False”). Default is “True”.


Maximum number of posts displayed in the “recent posts” list. Set it to zero if you want to disable the list. Default is 5.


Set the list of reasons a paste can be reported to an administrator. It is a list of tuples where the first element if a short identifier (16 characters maximum) and the second one is the name to be displayed.

    ('illicit', _('illicit content')),
    ('explicit', _('explicit content')),
    ('copyright', _('copyright infrigment')),
    ('private', _('private information exposure')),
    ('other', _('other')),


Set the number of spaces needed to represent a tabulation. Default is 4.


Defines how NPB must use the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. The value must be one of the following:

  • “none”: Do not use the header at all.
  • “first”: Use the first IP listed as the end-user’s one.
  • “last”: Use the last IP listed as the end-user’s one.

Default is “none”.

Development settings


Name of the generated CSS file for syntax highlighting.